Thursday, January 6, 2011

Becoming a SAHM Part III

Becoming a SAHM Part I
Becoming a SAHM Part II

Summer came and went that year, but God wasn't finished showing Steven and I how he planned to replace my lost income.  Paying off both our cars, and keeping my nephew was going to help out tremendously, but we were still short.  However, we continued to stand on God's promises (Mark 11:23-25).  God had given us a peace that it was time for me to stay home with the kids.  We knew he wouldn't fail us, and He didn't. 

One evening at church, we were standing in the sanctuary during our praise and worship time.  God clearly spoke to me.  It was one of those, "Where in the world did that thought come from?" moments.  I heard in my own head, "Find out more about couponing."  I know some of you think I am absolutely crazy, which I kinda' am, but this is the honest to goodness truth.  I had heard about couponing from friends, but hadn't looked into it as something that I would do for our family.  Once I started reading, I couldn't quit.  How in the world had I missed out on this concept?  Within a few short months, I shaved our grocery bill in half. 

I tell you what, cutting any bill in half is great, but the grocery bill was a blessing.  Our monthly grocery bill was almost identical to our house payment.  Mind you, we lived in a teeny-tiny house, but STILL!  That much a month on groceries is RI-DI-CU-LOUS! 

Slowly, but surely, God was showing us how to replace my income, but He he had more in store for us.  Much more.  More than I would have ever thought to ask, but Steven did.  We were quickly outgrowing our teeny-tiny house.  It seemed unfathomable to me to even ask God for a new house after He had just provided a way for me to stay at home, but not Steven.  I am thankful to have such a wonderful husband who dreams of bigger things for our family.  Without him, I would not be typing this story out in my new beautiful home.  I won't go into details about our new house right now, but if you're interested you can read the story by clicking on the 'HOUSE' label on the right hand side of this blog.

I hope you enjoyed reading about our journey.  It's a really cool story to tell.  I remember when I was working I would ask other SAHM's how they did it.  Now that I look back, I can clearly see how 'they do it' is not the best way for 'us to do it'.  God has a specific plan for all of us.  How He answers my prayers is not the same way He will answer your prayers.  It took me awhile to learn that lesson.  If you are seeking a way to stay at home, my only advice is to ask God for help, stay faithful, and He will show you just how to do it.


  1. I have to say I just recently found your blog although I have yet to comment. I just want to say CONGRATS to you for becoming a SAHM. This is my dream. One of these days I hope to become one, before it's too late. I will be in constant prayer about it. You make me feel like there just might be a way....

  2. Sadie, thank you so much for leaving a comment.

    I used to feel the same way about staying at home. I just couldn't see how we would be able to do it. However, I currently have 3 incomes...I keep my nephew 3 days a week, I have a side business making bows (never ever thought I'd do that), and I teach a 4 gymnastics classes a week (which allows my children to take a class for free). All things God gave me the opportunity to do. I really encourage you to trust God to show you how to do it. He will! I look forward to hearing about your journey! Keep me in touch.
