Monday, December 6, 2010

Menu Monday

Have you ever had one of those weeks were you feel you're chasing your own tail?  The previous week was it for me.  The return from an 8 day trip, only to prepare for a weekend trip did me in.  Did me in good.  I'm hoping today is the day I get caught up on life.  Since I'm a little behind on life, very little effort went into the menu.  I basically looked at what was in the pantry, fridge, and freezer, skipped the grocery store, and made the menu.  My mantra to the family will be the same mantra I used with elementary kids, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."  You either eat it, or you make yourself a PB&J.  Very loving.

Monday-Parmesan Pork Chops, Corn Saute, and Homemade Parker Rolls (dough recipe)
Tuesday-Bubble and Squeak (google it), Green Beans
Wednesday-Soup and Sandwiches
Thursday-Hamburgers with Pineapple Salsa
Friday-Broccoli Rice Casserole and Honey Butter Bread
Saturday-Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce and Grilled Chicken, The Bread, and salad
Sunday-Steven and Rene's 32nd birthday dinner out

Well, that's all folks.  I'm off to catch up on life.  Wish me luck!

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