Friday, December 3, 2010

The Expense of Christmas

We usually do pretty well at Christmas as far as our expeditures go.  I try to buy presents for others early to spread the cost out a little more, but this year I'm trying something new.  After having a successful go with the envelope spending in Chicago, we decided to do the same for Christmas.  We knew exactly how much money we wanted to spend on everyone we buy for, so we took that amount in cash and divided among the various envelopes.  

On the front each envelope is the amount of $ inside (covered up for this post), and on the back lists the items we would like to purchase.  Inside the envelope is the cash and coupons for any items we plan to purchase.  If items are purchased online, that amount of money is taken out of the envelope and designated to the credit card payment. 

So far this is working better than I thought it would.  Since I actually SEE the money, I am much more careful to look for deals and coupons.  We have most items already purchased for the kids and family with only half of the designated money spent.  Any leftover money is going to the vacation fund!  Holla!


  1. awesome idea! I try to keep on budget at Christmas time. And I stick with my lists, my Black Friday deals, and I try really hard to not pick up little things along the way.
