Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Baking Goodies...The Pics

I realize it's almost been a full week after Christmas, but I wanted to post what each one of the baking goodies looked like for future reference.  If there ever is a future for these tasty treats.  Judging by how fast these plates were cleared of their deliciousness at my house, I think the future is pretty promising.

{I only have the recipes for the Toffee and Peanut Butter Clusters}

On a side note, I hope you all have a very Happy New Year! We're celebrating at home with the Kueny's, and having some oh so healthy buffalo wings, homemade french fries, fried mozzarella sticks, baked beans, and an ice cream cake.  Nothing like ringing in the New Year with a full year's worth of cholesterol in one evening!  I see some baked fish and steamed veggies in my very near future.  I will pay for all this grease consumption.  I just know it.  However, it's worth it every once in a while.  Remind me of that later.  M-kay?

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm hungry! haha Happy New Year Amanda!
    Hugs to you and your sweet family!
