Monday, January 3, 2011

Menu Monday

The holidays are over.  I have some mixed emotions about it.  On one hand, I love starting out a fresh new year with goals, but on the other hand I miss having vacation time with my little family.  Have I ever mentioned that I love them?

I'm not gonna lie.  The menu this week is kinda rough.  It was another one of those open the fridge, then open the pantry and see what you can throw together.  I've been on vacation.  When you're a stay at home mom vacation consists of not going to the grocery store.  It's just a fact. I've also been on vacation from washing clothes and cleaning house.  I think there's a few pairs of clean undies in the house.  I think.

Enough about my vacation.  Here's my menu...

Monday-Chicken Noodle Soup (nix the dough for dumplings/add egg noodles), Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
Tuesday-BBQ Chicken, Homemade Mac & Cheese, Potato Salad
Wednesday-Taco Soup with Corn Bread
Thursday-Baked Chicken, Roasted Peppers, Onions, & Zucchini, Crescents
Friday-Chicken Parmigiana, Roasted Garlic Dipping Sauce, Spinach Salad with Feta Cheese
Saturday-Date Night???
Sunday-Who's inviting me over?

1 comment:

  1. I want to make delicious home-made Mac and cheese. But how? Do you have a great recipe? :)
