Thursday, December 30, 2010

Glutton For Punishment

I'm not sure why I do this to myself, but I do.  I make these daunting goals and then push, push, push to accomplish them in a short amount of time.  You're probably wondering what I've done to myself this time.  Well, it's horrendous.  The end result will be pretty nice, but the journey is painful. Very painful.  I'm not sure I can even share, but involves one of these...

And one of these...

For the last two days, I have been in the bathroom in 20 minute intervals training a certain Little Miss.   I haven't been in the bathroom this much since my scandalous episode with a pitcher of lemonade in combination with a pregnancy.  I would just like to state for the record that I do not like potty training.  I'm super duper, crossin' my fingers, hopin', and wishin' on a star that Little Miss 'gets' the whole peeing and pooing in the potty.  If not, I will be checking into the nearest psychiatric ward.


  1. We started "potty boot camp" today. Paxton has actually been wearing pull-ups for a while now and does great at going on the potty at school and at home...when you stop and ask him to. He doesn't ever initiate going on the potty, so I thought we'd try to nip that over the next few days. The timer on my microwave has been used more today than it has in 4 years! Ha! We are using stickers and Smarties as rewards, and so far we've only had one accident today. I've been thinking about you and Little Miss...hope things are going well for you two!! Potty training is serious business...I haven't brushed my teeth or changed out of my pajamas today...and it's 3:30 p.m. Ugh!

  2. I feel ya! All my kids were 3 years old. Hang in there girl! She will get it. =)
