Friday, November 19, 2010


Texting has ruined our universe.  Ruined it.  The written word will never be the same.  Take writing projects for example.  In fourth grade I had multiple students sit down for the first draft conference and most of their paper was written in texting form.  Say what?!?  Yes, texting form.  Heck, I remember the days when the kids asked if they were supposed to write in cursive.  Now it's, "Do I have to write out the word, or can I use the number?"  What has this world come to??? 

Since we all know I was such a phenomenal teacher.  And when I say phenomenal, I mean rock star.  And when I say rock star, I mean rock star royalty.  Kind of like Madonna.  Frankly, I was so good I should have had just one name.  Torres.  None of that Mrs. Torres stuff.  Sorry.  I just had to reminisce how wonderful I was.  It makes me feel better about wiping my kids' bums all day long.

Back to being phenomenal...

Since I was, you know, phenomenal, I decided to do a lesson on decoding my texting.  I wrote a paragraph on the white board in texting form, and then they had to rewrite the paragraph in the correct form.  One of the more genius ideas I've had.  Here's an example of the assignment...

1 day i was walking down the hall @ skool i slipped on a banana peel & fell down i was layin on the floor trying 2 get up when my bff walked by she helped me up & then walked awy  i was lik what she didnt evn say nething 2 me she just walked off mayb shes mad mayb shes not but idk what 2 thnk mayb ill just b mad 2 lol

The kids were so frustrated trying to figure out what I was trying to say.  Figuring out the correct punctuation alone would have been enough, but decoding the 'words' was over the edge. To make matters worse I told them it was for a grade (because I was that nice).  Then we graded it in class.  Most received an "F".  Then I told them I'd cut them a deal.  If they stopped writing their writing projects and assignments in texting form, then I'd graciously throw this assignment in the trash.  They accepted.  I won.  Again, I was a phenomenal teacher!  Conniving, but phenomenal.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that they really wanted to write in texting form. CRazy! I have no doubt that you were/are a rock star royalty teacher!
