Thursday, November 18, 2010


You very well may throw up in your mouth after reading this.  Just know there is a caution attached to this post.  So CAUTION...Grody picture ahead...GA-RO-DEE!

The picture is completely out of focus, but you get the point.  This is what was swept up after lunch at my house.  In fact, this picture reflects any given day after any give meal.  You could feed a small country with the daily leftovers on the floor.  For this reason alone, I will never have an area rug under my table.  Ever.  Never ever.  Well, not until I've taught these children how to eat like children and not like wolves.  So basically, I will purchase a fancy area rug to go along with that white couch when the kids go off to college.  Then again, their father will still live at home.  Scratch the white couch...and fancy area rug.  It's a hopeless cause.


  1. Do you feed your family hamster food? I mean I know you guys are healthy and all...........

  2. Oh sister, I feel your pain. I think we need to get dogs, who can lap all that up for us! LOL
