Monday, November 22, 2010

Menu Monday

Here's what's on my menu...

Monday-Chicago Style Pizza
Tuesday-Puerto Rican Food
Wednesday-Puerto Rican Food
Thursday-TURKEY Thanksgiving #1
Friday-Leftover Turkey
Saturday-TURKEY...Thanksgiving #2

Really, that's what we're having.  Fortunately I will not be dishin' up any of these meals.  I mean who wants the white chic cooking up the Puerto Rican food?  Not me.  I'll leave that to the experts.  And the Chicago Style Pizza...yumm-o!  Hopefully I can throw down at least one whole piece.  Let's be real, I'll probably throw down the entire pizza.  Just be ready for some weight loss tips and menus filled with lettuce next week.  I will be large and in charge after consuming so many calories.

Just a little side note, Torres Tidbits will be on a vacation this week.  No more posts until next week.  Don't cry.  Oh, they're tears of joy?  Well in that case, I unfriend you.  Oh, this isn't facebook?  Ummm....I'm stumped.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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