Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Most Prized Jars

When we moved from our little house to our big house it was like Christmas.  Since our little house was approximately 1200 sq ft, we had little room for extras.  Simply put, our attic was crammed with items given to us when we were married that could not be squeezed into the house.  Most of the items were for the kitchen that my Grandma had passed down to me.  When we moved into our new house and I opened the boxes that had been stored for 7 years, I cried.  Not really, but I was excited.  Inside one of the boxes was a group of original Mason Jars.  I had not a clue they were tucked away all those years. If I had, I certainly would have found a space for them in the old house.  Granted it would have probably been in the living room since the kitchen was busting at the seams, but STILL...

Anyway, I have since cleaned them out and filled them with my baking staples.  It makes baking all the more sweet to open my pantry, reach in, and pull out a Mason Jar with the patent date of 1858.  Love it.  Absolutely love it.  And since I love it, you'll love it least indulge me in my craziness.  Yes, that's probably what you'll do.  I'm quite certain there is no one else who would 'share' about their Mason Jars, but if you did I would come rejoice with you.  Totally.

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