Friday, November 12, 2010


Because I have absolutely nothing to write about pertaining to one particular subject, you will receive a bunch of random things floating around in my head this morning.  Read at your own risk.  You very well may be stupider after reading this.  Not just stupider, but more stupider.

  1. Using 'stupider' is actually bugging me.  It's not correct grammar.
  2. I sure hope my former students would be able to recognize it's wrong.
  3. My former students are off school today.  I know because they have a lot of posts of facebook today.  I think some of them forget they have their teacher as a friend because the use of the "F" bomb is astronomical.
  4. I told those stinkers that using cuss words show a lack of vocabulary.  I guess they got stupider.
  5. My left thumb hurts something fierce.
  6. A very large 10 year old...and when I say large, I mean out weighing me by 50 lbs...slaughtered it at gymnastics last night.
  7. Note to self...move hand before gigantic legs curl up in a back handspring thus smashing the thumb.
  8. That could be the very reason why I've asked her to keep her legs STRAIGHT.
  9. I think she gets it now.
  10. I HOPE she gets it now.
  11. I can see the dust on my furniture. 
  12. It's disgusting.
  13. I need to dust, but I am instead making a random list.
  14. I also have unmade beds and laundry awaiting me.  Yuck.
  15. Honestly, I have a toothbrush that is awaiting me as well.  Good thing you can't smell through a computer.
  16. Little Man and Little Miss are coloring with markers.
  17. Little Miss just got purple marker on her thumb.  She hates that she's messy.
  18. She is now done.
  19. I'm afraid I've passed on a very disastrous gene. 
  20. So disastrous, I going to stop my random list.  If I don't, I'll have to continue to #25 or #30 because I must stop on a number ending in 5 or 0.  I told you it was a disastrous gene.

1 comment:

  1. WoooooooW....gonna be an interesting day at the Torres house!
    Kim B
