Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Party and the Day

It's been hard.  Having a four year old and all.  Not hard because of him, but hard that he's getting older.  Do you people realize he starts school in August?  AUGUST!  That's only nine months away.  I can't even fathom the thought of spending 1/2 a day away from him, and that's exactly what's going to happen.  I do not like this gettign older stuff.  Not one bit.  I guess for now we'll just enjoy our time together and forget about the future.  The future that will not include me for his every waking moment.

Saturday was Little Man's actual birthday and we had his actual party on that day too.  He pretty much had a four year old fun filled day.  Little Man woke up to his presents.  Bed head and all.  Have I mentioned that I love this guy?  I do.  I love him to pieces.

After he had some time to dig into that Play-Doh, we loaded up an headed to an old donut shop on our local Main St. The entire family definitely ate their fill of donuts.  Definitely.  Then we went to a children's museum in a neighboring city.  It wasn't as clean as I would have liked, but the kids had a blast.  I had a blast with the hand sanitizer afterwards.  If that wasn't enough, we still had an evening party.  Here's a glimpse of the party...

He had a great day, and Steven and I would like to thank those of you who were able to come to Little Man's party.  You helped make his day all the more special!

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