Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Few Minutes

We are getting ready to embark on a loooonnnnngggg car ride together as a family.  We've done it once before when Little Miss was 7 months old.  It went well, but it's such a loooooonnnnnngggg time in the car.  I mean loooonnnnnngggg.  I'm trying to keep my mind off how long the car ride will be so I decided to plan our spending while we're in Chicago.  We've saved for a few months so we're able to take the kids to The Field Museum and Children's Museum at Navy Pier, but you all know I love to save $$$.

With a few minutes time, I checked free admission days to both museums.  Too bad they aren't for the days we'll be there, but I did find a coupon for the Children's Museum and a discount for teachers at the Field Museum.  Technically, I'm still under contract with the former school system I worked for so I still have a current teacher badge. 

Then I planned where we were going to eat while in Chi-Town.  Since Chicago is a HUGE city, they have a plethora of restaurants that put out printable coupons.  A quick search at Retail Me Not helped me print out quite a few choices for the Lakeshore Drive area. 

We also have some 'regular' stops we make on the drive.  All of them artery clogging establishments.  I'll pay for it later, but we can't break tradition.  Going directly to the websites of our 'regular' places led me to even more coupons.  I now have my envelope of cash and an envelope of coupons to take on the road with us.  I'm hoping to come back with some leftover cash to stash in savings.  We'll see!!!

If you're making a trip over the Holidays, you don't have to spend an arm and a leg doing the fun stuff or eating out.  A few minutes preparing for your trip can allow you to save quite a bit.

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