Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where Did We Go Wrong???

We want our kids to appreciate what they have been given.  I think everyone does.  So when you continually hear your four year old say, "I wanna get that sometime," you start to wonder where you went wrong.  It's not wrong for him to ask for things he wants.  We want him to ask, but we don't want him to ask about everything in sight, and then pout when he doesn't get what he wants.  So I decided we should focus on buying something for a child who is not as privileged as Little Man. 

With Christmas around the corner Samaritan's Purse has already started Operation Christmas Child.  I thought this would be perfect for Little Man to get involved in giving to others.  At first, I thought it was a lost cause.  Shopping at the store, he started wandering down the boy aisle searching for the toys he wanted.   Frustrating.  He whined that he didn't want to buy toys for a little girl his age.  Frustrating.  How in the world did I raise and ungrateful child???  I kept on.  Asking Little Man what he wanted to purchase for our Christmas Child.  Eventually, he decided on art supplies.  A sharp left onto art supply aisle.  Yes!  He's starting to get it.  That's when Little Miss started up.  She noticed the little Cinderella figurine in the cart.  "Rella, Rella.  I want Rella."  I couldn't catch a break!  Frustrating. 

Standing in line to pay for the items, both the kids had settled down and I look over to Little Man who is touching the items on the belt.  He looks at me and says, "I think she's really gonna like this Mommy.  I think she's gonna like it 'cause I like it."  I almost cried.  He got it.  Then I glanced over at Little Miss.  She was picking her nose.  She didn't get it.  One out of two's not bad.  I'll take what I can get.

Later on in the evening, we wrapped the box and packed it full.  Both Little Miss and Little Man were making a gigantic mess out of the wrapping paper and tape helpers.  The wrapping job could have gone a lot faster had I done it after they'd gone to bed, but I wanted them to be apart of the whole process.  I want them to know that giving is one of the best feelings they will experience in their life.  So tomorrow we will head off to a drop off location and send our package on its way to a precious child somewhere in this world. 

{Showing off their purchase}

{The final package}

If you are interested in participating in Operation Christmas Child, it's not too late.  This week is the week to drop off your box at the designated locations. If you don't have time to get the goodies, you can always donate $7 or more to help pay for the shipping costs of all these boxes.

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