Sunday, September 5, 2010

Menu Monday

My boys will be home in less than 24 hours.  I cannot even begin to tell you of the excitement mounting inside of me.  I very well could get in my car to meet them on the highway.  Just so I can see them a little earlier.  I do have to admit, Little Miss and I had a wonderful time.  She might go through some withdrawls as she has never had so much concentrated attention.  It's a good thing she wasn't born first.  She would be too out of control as a first child.  Gotta love that little thing. 

Now onto the real reason you're here...

Tuesday-Lasagne, Roasted Garlic Dipping Sauce with Toasted French Bread, Lemon Dilled Green Beans
Wednesday-Baked Chicken, Corn Casserole, Garden Salad
Thursday-Grilled Chicken and Veggies (just through 'em on the grill instead of the broiler), Homemade Cresents
Friday-Hamburgers with Chips and Queso
Saturday-BBQ Meatballs, Mac N Cheese, and Peas
Sunday-Dinner Out

Happy Cooking!!!

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