Monday, September 6, 2010

They Boys Are Back In Town!

I survived.  Honestly, I did more than survive.  I got in touch with my relaxing side.  Responsibility for only one child that has an 8 o'clock bedtime means endless night hours of silence and 'me' time.  I really had forgotten how truly wonderful that could be.  Ahhhh...

Snappin' back to reality, I wouldn't trade 'me' time for my boys ever again.  I really missed them.  However, Little Man did not miss me.  Here's how our phone conversations went...

"Are you having so much fun with Daddy?"

"Yes!  Daddy take me to the park to play with my cousins, and I ate Fruit Loops, and I ride my cooter (scooter), and I eat hamburgers, and..."

"Wow!  Sounds like you are having so much fun.  I miss you, buddy."


"Are you there, sweetie.  I said Mommy misses you."

More silence.

"Do you miss Mommy?"

"No, me and Daddy are having fun.  I want to stay for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, I get it honey!  But, I still miss you and can't wait to see you."

"Mommy, I gotta go play.  Looooove you."

Seriously, he didn't miss me.  I even asked him once he got home.  Still the same answer.  At least I squeezed out an "I love you" from him.  I'm going to blame it on the introduction to the iPhone.  Steven and I are not iPhone people.  We're just not cool enough.  It's difficult to accept, but accept we have.  Maybe one day.  Until then, I'm going to blame the iPhone for my son not missing me...that and all the undivided attention he received from his tia's, tio's and cousins.  Stupid iPhone!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he had such a good time! Some male bonding, lol! =) We know really he couldn't live without you. =)
