Sunday, August 15, 2010

Menu Monday

It's Sunday night as I'm typing this out.  It's the end of the weekend.  Normally, I don't loathe Sunday night knowing a new week is upon me.  I actually kind of like it.  I like looking forward to what will come my way, but it's been one of those weekends.  The weekend where you feel like the week just morphed into the next week without a break.  I'm tired.  Super tired.  Too many functions crammed into a short amount of space, and nothing I could do about it.  For the first time in a long time,  I am concentating the next Friday on the calendar. Until then, I will be cooking and wiping booties.  Not necessarily in that order. 

Here's my menu...

Monday-Steaks, Fresh Green Beans, Spring Potato Toss
Tuesday-Eggplant Parmesan, Psuedo Olive Garden Salad, Toasted Italian Bread with Roasted Garlic Dipping Sauce
Wednesday-Homemade Pizza and Garden Salad.  I'm attempting to make the crust from scratch...
Thursday-Fend for Yourself Night*
Friday-Grilled Chicken Quarters with Grilled Zucchinis and Onions (new recipe)
Saturday-Smoked Tilapia, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad (Trees and Raisins)
Sunday-Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Potato Wedges

*Fend For Yourself Night does not happen very often.  In 7 years of marriage, this is the first time it has happened.  I always have a plan for dinner.  Consequently, Thursday is my night to teach gymnastics.  I thought it would be a good learning experience for Steven to prepare a meal from conception to birth...i.e. start to finish.  He's not too keen on the idea...
Happy Cooking!!!


  1. Sounds like a good eating week to me!
    I know those weekends too. I am usually crying to spend time with my hubby... I don't like "too busy" : (
    I think I will try the eggplant parmesan soon.
    Call me so we can set up a h/c.

  2. LOL, we have eat what you want nights every once in awhile but it just means I have to cook 4 different things to please 4 different people. Doesn't work out in my favor at all!
