Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wisp Clips

Little Miss is infamous for ripping out hair clips and throwing them in stores, in the car, or at church.  Basically wherever she is, she likes to throws them.  I used to buy them off Etsy at $5 a pop.  Needless to say it's frustrating to see $5 get chunked.  This led me to start investigating how they are made.

Introducing the Basic Wisp Clips!  These Wisp Clips are very basic, but just perfect for the everyday wear.  Whether you're clipping back baby hair or your little girl's locks, these are sure to not slip out of place.  Now your child ripping it out, that's a different story...

Set of 5 Basic Wisp Clips   

{View of the no-slip foam.  This insures the clip to stay in place.)

If you would like to purchase individual clips, they are $1.50 each.   I will be adding other colors within the week.  I'm still working on the perfect embellishments for my own Little Miss' hair.  As soon as I'm happy with the creation, I'll post those too.

Now for the Giveaway!!!
One reader will receive the above Basic Wisp Clips.  Answer the following question to enter...

Who do you plan on giving the Wisp Clips to?

For additional entries you can...

  • Blog about this giveaway (and tell me about it with a separate comment).

  • Tell your friends about it on Facebook or Tweet it (and tell me about it with a separate comment).
Each item listed above will count as one entry. 
Contest ends Friday at midnight.  Winner will be announced on Monday!
Good Luck!!!

Just in case you don't win, you can order through wispclips@hotmail.com
Shipping is free until August 1st.

Happy Clipping!


  1. I would give them to my office manager! She is expecting her first granddaughter at the end of this month! She is a wonderful "grandma" to Bella. Since I bring Miss Bella to work with me EVERYDAY, Mrs. Pam takes care of her and loves her as if she was hers! :) She has 3 boys...so having a girl is so exciting for her! She always loves the bows I put in Bella's hair, and can't wait to buy some for her little one.

  2. They would be for my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. My two year old who prefers ribbons to flowers--she'll appreciate the simplicity of these =)

  4. I would gie them to Taylor Paige who has a little amount of hair for three!! We have a hard time keeping things in her Whispy, fine hair!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. You know who I would have use them!! Sweet Addie's twin, Emma!
    I have to have something to pull her crazy wild hair back:)

  7. Those are too cute! I wouldn't be able get mine out of the house, Blairie would have to have them. =)

  8. I would give them to my niece.

    kristen_yeh (at) yahoo (dot) com

  9. i don't know if i can win again (since i won last time) brag,brag...but i am entering for my niece emma. since god decided to bless me with boys instead of girls, i will give them to her:) thanks amanda:)
