Monday, June 14, 2010

Homemade Granola Bars

Since becoming a stay at home mom, I have a little more time for homemade cooking, or cooking from scratch.  Little by little I'm searching for recipes for items we frequently snack on throughout the week.  One biggie at our house is granola bars.  I've tried out a lot of different recipes, and in the end I've taken bits and pieces from each one and came up with my own.  It's really not hard. You'll have most of ingredients in your pantry.  But, the best part is you'll know exactly what's in your food.  

Homemade Granola Bars

Dry Ingredients:
2 cups Oats
1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 cup Wheat Germ (found in cereal aisle)
3/4 Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt

Wet Ingredients:
1 whole Egg Beaten
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup Canola Oil
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • Mix all dry ingredients together well.
  • Mix all wet ingredients together well.
  • Pour wet ingredients onto dry ingredients.
  • Mix together with your hands.
  • Press into an greased aluminum foil lined 13 x 9 baking dish.
  • Dump in granola mix.
  • Firmly press granola evenly into dish.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 15-25 minutes.  Closer to 15 for chewy and 25 for crunchy. 
  • Allow to slightly cool.  Gently cut into granola bar pieces.  A pizza roller works well. 
  • Leave in pan until granola has completely cooled.  If you take it out to early, it will break apart.
  • Serve and enjoy!

{Wet and Dry Ingredients}

{Mixed Granola Pressed Into Pan}

Happy Cooking!


  1. Thank you so much for posting this recipe!! Just last night I was talking to a friend about wanting to make my own granola bars. Paxton could live on cereal bars, and I've been looking for recipes to make my own version. Can't wait to make this one!!

  2. YES!! Thank you for this recipe. I have tried several recipes and they have been flops! Hopefully this one wont be:) Cant wait to try it.
