Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Clean Little Secret

Last week I posted my dirty little secret, so I thought it appropriate to share a clean one.  You wouldn't want to feel nasty after reading this blog would you?  What?!?  You dirty, dirty readers!  Repent and come back in a little bit.

You repented, right?  I guess we can move forward. 

I'm about to share something that will blow your mind.  Ready? Frugalness is genetic.  Yes, I have done the research.  My grandparents are frugal. My mom is frugal.  I am frugal.  There is your scientific proof.  Genetic frugalness goes back further than that, but that's a long story of how my grandfather's father came here from Sweden.  So basically, my frugal ways trace all the way to Sweden.  I would need my own tv show to explain all that.  A tv show I would call "Swedishly Frugal".

Sorry, back to the point at hand.  My mind wonders you know.

About a year ago my mom and her new husband built a home triple the size of their previous one.  Naturally she would need more furniture to fill it up.  Somehow she heard about a place called Brandon's Auction in Tulsa, OK.  They have about two auctions a month.  One for new furniture and one for used items found at estate sales.  Steven and I checked one filled with new furniture on Memorial Day weekend.  We were pleasantly surprised.  There was furniture out the whazoo!  We didn't purchase anything.  We were just there to observe the 'bidding practices'.  I learned a lot, but the best thing I learned was when the time comes to get new leather furniture, I'll spend around $1500 instead of $4000.  I'm talking a couch, loveseat, chair and ottoman for $1500!!!  Who doesn't love that?  Hmmm???

Now a question for you.  If you had a tv show, what would you call it?  AND, you can't take my idea.  One because you're probably not Swedish, and two because it's my awesome idea.  Not yours. 

JUST KIDDING!  My question is...Have you ever been to an auction?

Wisp Clip Giveaway still going until Friday at Midnight. 
Don't forget to enter...


  1. I have been to an auction, there is one in Skiatook. But it's been a long time. =) I agree frugalness is totally genetic!

  2. my mom bought living room furniture (sectional & table) at an auction years ago. she really enjoyed it & said it was fun to bid :) i remember we had to pick it up, they didn't deliver. and, we just happened to pick it up in the middle of tornado sirens blaring! weird memory :) happy bidding to you!

  3. I would LOVE to go to an auction! Where you overwhelmed and there all day?

  4. Carrie, we were there briefly. It's sort of set up like a furniture store. There are 3 rooms and they always start at the same place and end in the same place. If there's a piece of furniture you want in the 3rd room, you're safe to leave for a good 3-4 hours, and have plenty of time when you get back. My mom gave me lots of tips she's learned. I'd be more than happy to share them with you if you want.
