Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sweatin' at the Zoo

Last Sunday, the Torres Clan took a little trip to the zoo.  It's times like this that I really, really love all the kids being so close in age.  Little Miss and Chunky Monkey are only two weeks apart, and Little Man is two years older than them.  All the kids are finally at the age where they enjoy seeing the animals, instead of running around like crazy animals.  The favorite part had to be the train ride.  Apparently, there is nothing cooler than cruisin' the zoo at 10 mph.  I was just thankful for the slight breeze and shade the train provided.  It was one hot day.  I guess that's what I get for living in Oklahoma.  Alaska, here I come...

On a little teeny tiny side note, did you see the picture of Chunky Monkey and Little Miss sitting together?Please disregard Little Miss' expression.  She was telling someone off.  That's not what I wanted you to look at though.  I want you to check out Chunky Monkey.  Doesn't he look like he is posing for his Senior Pictures?  So stinkin' adorable!!!

Wisp Clips giveaway still going on.


  1. Mason smiles just like his daddy, so sweet!

  2. They are getting so big, I can't believe that is Lincoln, he is so big, cute, and not to mention tan.
