Friday, June 18, 2010

Buy One, Get One Free Tip

Manufacturer's are really putting out coupons for Buy 1, Get 1 Free.  If you have two of them, it means you get both of your items for free (you'll still pay tax).  Recently, I purchased 7 body washes and 1 deoderant for free all because I matched up 8 Buy 1, Get 1 free coupons.  Registers allow this becuase you have the correct number of items to match up with the correct number of coupons.  Earlier this week I purchsed two Oral B Pulsar toothbrushes.  Each one retailed at Target for $5.49.  I used two Buy 1, Get 1 Free Oral B Pulsar manufacturer coupons.  I got both for free.  Obviously, you have to have two of same coupon to do this.  Here's a way you can get them...
  • Buy multiple Sunday papers.  P&G coupon inserts offer the most Buy 1, Get 1 coupons.  However, they only have inserts in the first Sunday paper of the month.  I always get an extra paper then.
  • Know someone who doesn't coupon?  Ask if you can have their inserts.
  • Go dumpster diving.  No seriously...head over to your local paper only recycle center.  There are quite a few inserts that are just waiting to be taken.
  • If you know someone who has a paper route, ask for the extra Sunday papers.  They'll just go to waste anyway.
I currently have such a stock pile of body washes, toothbrushes, and toothpaste, that I no longer am willing to purchase them unless they are free.  Even then, the extras go to a local charity, because it feels good to give!

Happy Couponing!

Wisp Clips Giveaway still going on...


  1. Hey girl,
    It's me Bebe! Wow, haven't checked out the blog in A L-O-N-G T-I-M-E and shouldn't have waited that long. Made it as far back as April and stopped cause my eyes are getting all watery. The only thing is I can't figure out if they are just tired or I'm emotional...I think I'm emotional! Miss you all so much and everything sounds like so much fun! PS - The kids look beautiful, the house looks awesome! God bless you all and lots of hugs and kisses! Bebe

  2. Ok I wish my brain could wrap around this concept... you didn't actually buy one, but got it for free. This whole post is confusing to me. Buy 1, Get 1, and you had two coupons, got two free and didn't buy two?
    Someday you will have to clue me in on this.
    I am saving mostly by add matching still, haven't double couponed yet, but see the huge benefits to it and using all these other little tricks too. Keep informing us!

  3. Natasha,
    You can use 2-Buy 1, Get 1 coupons to get 2 items free. I had two coupons, and purchased two bottles. I technically bought two items, but each coupon made the other item free. It can be totally confusing. Call me, I'll explain it. Better yet, come on over. I had a friend over just the other day and we went over everything. She's super excited to start saving money for her family.

  4. Amanda~ Your tricks amaze me!! I NEED to get together with you sometime when I get back from NY. I need to start couponing but I really don't have a clue about it all.
