Wednesday, June 23, 2010


For the most part, I've got it together.  Very organized and scheduled.  I like my routine, and I like being on top of things.  Sometimes, though, I drop the ball.  And when the ball gets dropped, it gets dropped big time.  I've got a perfect case in point.

The elementary school I taught at had a weekly program called Rise and Shine.  It was a time for the entire school to meet in the gym Friday mornings for announcements and rewards.  A time where we celebrated children's successes.  One class would lead the entire assembly and then do a little performance.  Pretty cool.  Pretty cool, if you remember that YOUR class is supposed to lead.  Pretty embarrassing if you don't.  Especially if it's your first year of teaching.  Your very first year.

I was just sitting there in the cafegymatorium (cafeteria/gymnasium/auditorium) wondering why there was not a class up there ready to begin.  It was 8:30 by gosh.  I had things to get started on.  Geez!  What poor planning.  As I was sitting there stewing over the waste of time, the assistant principal walks up to me and asks if it was my week to do Rise and Shine.  "Not this week, Mrs. K.  I've got it next Friday."

She leaves and returns with the master calendar, and there in red ink is my name on the calendar.  Ink that was clearly written with my own hand.  I dropped the ball.  To make matters worse, the entire school knew I dropped the ball.

Thank goodness I worked with such kind and understanding people.  Up until the last year of teaching, several teachers would call to remind me when I had Rise and Shine.  Just in case I wrote it down on my own personal calendar incorrectly.  Those buttheads!  I guess I deserve it though.  I'm just as ornery.

1 comment:

  1. Oops! I'm terribly forgetful and really have to try hard to keep on top of things. =)
