Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Water Babies

I absolutely love summertime.  I love the sun.  I love wearing less clothes (which means less laundry).  I love pool time.  Turns out the kids do too.  Little Miss likes the water a little too much.  She'll jump right in whether you're watching or not.  She doesn't care if she goes under.  That's the fun of it for her.  Scares me to death.  I have yet to find a water safety device that she's comfortable wearing.

Now Little Man, he's much more cautious.  Always has been (thank the Good Lord).  He loves to swim though.  He's not quite getting the moving his arms with his feet yet, but he can kick around in his floatie ring like Micheal Phelps.

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about summer too! Water babies are so much fun! =)
