Thursday, June 24, 2010


When I first started this whole couponing thing, the websites that I follow always posted links on ways to get free samples of products.  I thought it was a waste of time.  Having a ton of little bottles here and there would be annoying, right?  Right.  Wait, wrong!  Recently, I started filling out the online forms to get free samples.  Not only do I get mail other than bills cool stuff in the mail, but the free samples often come with high value coupons.

Here's a few things I've received in the last couple of weeks...
See what I mean?  Sometimes, you even get full size products to try, or coupons for a completely free full size item.  Are you convinced yet?  Yes?  Okay, here's a few places to get you started...

Signing up is free and easy.  From this site alone I have received 2 sample packs of Pampers, a full size bottle of Dove Intense Hair Repair, a full size bottle of Pantene Nature Fusion shampoo, and 2 sample packs of Pantene Mr. Right shampoo and conditioners.  Each sample also came with multiple coupons for the product I was trying.

Signing up is also free.  This is where I got coupons for a free full size Mayo with Olive Oil and the Philidelphia Cream Cheese Minis.  I've also received great coupons for Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon, lunch meat, and a few other items I can't quite remember right now.  The children suck out all of my brain cells.  Just a fact.

One last thing...if you are a facebook person, do a search for Mojo Savings.  They post all kinds of daily deals and freebies.  It's a really easy way to be in the know in the coupon world.

Happy Couponing!


  1. Hi! I'm just browsing some other Oklahoma blogs. Have a great day!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I skipped over to yours and enjoyed reading about your homeschooling adventure. I wish you the best of luck and love how organized you are!!!
