Friday, June 11, 2010

A Dirty Little Secret

I have a dirty little secret that must be shared.  When it comes to decorating my home, I have expensive taste.  Who doesn't like Pottery Barn or Hardware Restoration?  They have amazing, amazing stuff.  However, they don't have amazing prices.  I still shop at these places, and even have a few pieces from their stores.  That's only when I find sales.  For all the other stuff, I use their stores as research opportunities. I shop for what I like, and take home a magazine for ideas.  After I find what I like, I dog ear the page and shop at other stores that have good sales and coupons.  Let me introduce you to my secret weapons...

I like Hobby Lobby for many reasons.  They have lots of cool stuff for your home and for kids.  They have great sales every week.  I have learned to never, ever pay full price for an item here.  Case in point, I have a beautiful black wooden circular framed mirror.  It was regularly $89.99.  I knew that they put their mirrors 50% off about every other week.  Makes it easy to wait, and I got a fantastic mirror for a lot less.  Now, if there is limited quantity of an item, I don't sweat it.  Hobby Lobby puts out 40% off a regular priced item in almost every weekly ad.

Bed, Bath, and Beyond is another great one.  They don't have the best sales, but they do put out coupons regularly.  Here's what I just learned this week from a checker...their coupons DON'T expire.  They have expiration dates on them, but they still accept them long after the date.  I was floored.  Do you know how many of their mailer coupons I have thrown away over the years?  At least I know now!  If that wasn't incentive enough for me to shop there, you can sign up for their electronic newletter and receive more coupons.  That's not all folks.  You can use as many coupons as you like in ONE transaction.  Very few stores allow you to do that!  A time saver for sure.

Kirkland's is another great place that has great sales and has electronic coupons.  Just sign up for their newsletter and you'll get info on their current sales along with lots of 40% off coupons.  They have very nice wall art, and decorative items. 

Shopping for your home doesn't have to break your budget.  It just takes some time and patience.  I have realized that it's okay if my walls are blank until I find the perfect piece at the perfect price.  It drives Steven crazy, but in the end he's always happy with the way our home looks.

Happy Couponing!


  1. You also never know what you might find at Tuesday Mornings, TJ Maxx, or Garden Ridge. :)

  2. kirklands is how i decorated the majority of my home. amazingly enough, i bought a lot of will's room decorations at gordman's! great stuff!

  3. Lynne, I always forget about Tuesday Mornings! My mom finds great pieces there all the time. I love TJ Maxx and Marshall's too. When's your next trip to OK? Miss you!

    Jackie, everytime I go into Kirkland's I think of your house. You would be a great Kirkland's commercial!
