Monday, June 28, 2010

A Sneak Peek

Although I'm not ready to 'show' my entire house (I'm not sure that day will come), I do have some little things that can be shared....
This is one of my favorite pieces in the house.  It's about 5 feet long and 3 feet tall.  I had not a clue how I wanted to do the living room, but when I saw this piece it gave me some direction.  It has every color that really makes me feel, well....ahhhhhhhh.....

Next up, the front porch.  The bench is small for the actual space, but it's the coolest bench ever.  Super rustic looking and sturdy.  We need sturdy.

If you walk in my front door, you'll find this picture along with a little table...

This next pic has a story.  A story of attempted frugalness and major defeat.   A picture that I absolutely love.  My favorite picture in the house.  It sums up exactly how we are as a family.  It says...
Notice the 'disclaimer' at the bottom.  "...when happiness is actually a choice."  I found that amusing, because happiness is always a choice just not to a 3 year old.  What I did not find amusing was the little scratch on the 'C' at the bottom.  I asked the store if they discounted damaged items.  They didn't. So I put it back, and asked what they did with their damaged products.  "Well, if they don't sell we damage them out and throw them away." Disgusting. Completely disgusting and wasteful.  I purchased my other items and walked out.  Buying a damaged product at full price goes against every grain in my body.  Not my husband's though.  He loved it.  Therefore the whip got cracked and I had to go back and get it.  Now that it's up, I'm glad he was really adamant about getting it.  I love it. Damage and all!

Now for the Master Bedroom & Bath...
As the years goes on, and I do mean years, I'll show a little more.  It will take me that long to get this house put together.  Maybe even decades...


  1. It looks really, really beautiful.

  2. I looks beautiful!! I especially love the "happy" picture! Love the cherries and all! Your doing a great job with it! Love the lil bench too, btw. =)
