Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bike+Moving Ramp+Twins

Most of you know that my hubby is an identical twin.  Super competitive twins to be exact.  If one does something, the other one has to do it too.  Not just do it too, but do it better.  Way better. And then after one out does the other they proceed to yell, "Who's the champ?  I'm the champ!  You da' chump." 

This goes on and on until one of them gets mad and tells the other one to shut up.  It sounds harsh, but 5 minutes later they'll love and hug on each other and it's all over.  I've learned over the past 13 years, that under no circumstances do you get in the middle of it all.  It's just the way it is.

Now that you have been informed of their competitive natures, you will appreciate this story all the more.

 It was Friday night, and Steven and I headed over to the storage unit to load up the moving van.  Steven's brother, Rene, met us there.  Everything was going real smooth until we came to my bike.  Steven decided that he needed to ride it into the van.  It would be easier than carrying it in.  Yeah right!  So Steven pedals it out about 100 yards.  Rene started taunting that he didn't need that much room, and only a weenie would need that much of a start up.  Steven gets a good speed  up and gets the bike up the ramp and into the truck.  He then looks at Rene and tells him to do better, but with a shorter go.  Rene accepts the challenge.  He only goes about 50 yards out, gets pretty good speed, and then WHAM!  Breaks so hard he leaves skid marks in the pavement.  Somebody got a widdle scared.  Now it was time for Steven to taunt.  The whole 'I'm the champ! You da' chump' thing starts up.   There was NO way Rene was about to be outdone, so decides he has to prove Steven wrong.  He pedals it out to the 100 yard mark and makes it in the truck.  They argue over who had better form congratulate each other and then I crack the whip for them to get back to work.  There was only so much time for play, you know.