Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Heart Walgreens

Well, I survived the move.  In fact, it was a great experience.  Having family around is always fun, but more on that tomorrow...

Today I want to share my best shopping trip ever. 
All of the items shown cost me a whopping $17.36. 
Here's the general breakdown of how I saved...
  • Buy $25 of Gillette or Old Spice Body Washes or Deoderants and get $10 RR.  I purchased 7 body washes and 1 deoderant and used 8 Buy 1, Get 1 Free manufacturer coupons.  (I had multiple coupon inserts from the PG 6/6 inserts.)  All items free, plus $10 in RR which I used on the very next transaction.
  • Then I purchased all the other items.  Destin was on sale Buy 1, Get 1 Half Off. No coupons here :(
  • Tide and Downy were on sale, plus Spend $10 on Tide Stain Remover or Downy Products, Get $3 RR. Used $1 off coupons on each item.
  • Cascade on sale, plus $1 RR  for each one.
  • Dawn had a store coupon for $.99 and I stacked it with a $1 off manufacturer coupon.  Yep, it was free!!!
Overall I saved close to $60, and spent a little more than $17. 

Now, you're probably wondering what on Earth and I going to do with 7 body washes.  To boggle your mind even more, I'll tell you we already had 5 bottles.  I also already had 3 bottles of Dawn.  All those extra supplies keep me from paying full price.  When something is free, I get it.  It means $$$ I won't spend later on.  All the extras are either used over time, or given to family or charities. 

Happy Couponing!!! 

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