Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm Expecting!!!

...tomatoes and peppers that is!  Gotcha!  Okay, I realize that's probably not funny to you, but I'm still laughing.  Take a look at these beauts...
{My adorably cute cherokee purple tomato}

{The radically radiant roma tomato}

{The perfectly perfected peppers}

My FIL and husband have been making fun of me for quite some time now.  Each time it storms, I move them to a quite non-destructible location, and reassure them that the storm will pass.  Even if the wind blows too hard, I shelter them, and love them, and kiss them.  They are my babies.  I'm fairly certain once the FIL and hubby get a taste of my first fruits, they won't be laughing anymore.


  1. How funny that we posted about the same thing today! Great minds think alike! Looks delicious!

  2. You planted peppers?? Why didn't I think of that?? This year I planted thyme and dill and can't wait for it to pop up so that I can use it in my dishes! But next year, peppers it is! :-)

  3. Jesse, I had mine scheduled to post today (Thursday), and it showed up a day early. Not really sure why, but I laughed when I saw yours too. Great minds do think alike!

    Jen, I cannot wait to have a fresh herb garden next year. Yours sounds delicious!
