Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Bored

The Summer Reading Program in my area has already kicked off.  It's always a good idea to enroll your kids early in the summer for many reasons.  Here goes my list...
  1. Your child's future teacher will thank you for it.  Nearly 3 months of no reading sets your child back further than you think.  Reading is a skill that needs to be maintained.  Your child may be reluctant at first, but help them find the right book.  It's not hard, but will take some work on your part.  You might have to actually pre-read books, or ask the librarian their favorites. 
  2. You get a free coupon booklet of things to do for the summer.  What kids doesn't want a free ice cream cone, free Happy Meal, free bowling, or free pass to the zoo?
  3. Your child will have something to do. Reading cures the 'I'm Bored!' disease.
  4. Your child will get a prize at the end!!!
Reading was one of my favorite subjects to teach.  I also loved teaching Writing...and Math...and Social Studies...and Science...okay, so I just loved to teach.  If your child really, really cannot find a genre of literature they like, send me an email and I will help you out.  Matching a kid up with a good series of books is my specialty.  I love it!  Nothing is more rewarding than finding a kid who loathes reading, and changing their mind after reading one good book.

Here are some of my favorites that are on a fourth and fifth grade level, and were always HUGE hits in my classroom...

Next week, I'll post more good reads for younger readers and older readers.
Just remember, there's always a good book out there!
Happy Reading!

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