Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chalk Car Track

Little Man l-o-v-e-s playing with cars. Playing cars inside.  Playing cars outside.  Playing cars in the bathtub. Playing cars at church.  Playing cars at dinner. Playing cars in the car.  He even sleeps with cars on some nights. 

Yesterday, we were playing cars outside and we decided we needed our own car city.  So we pulled out the chalk and made one.  Little Man was glued to the thing for a straight hour.  Running his cars up and down the street from parking lot to parking lot.  So focused!

{Chalk Track}

{All the cars safe in their space}

You may be wondering what on Earth the Little Miss and Chunky Monkey were doing all this time Little Man was playing.  Well, they weren't too excited with the Chalk Track, but they did have their part in making this a successful playtime.  I think they filled their positions well.

Chunk Monkey, the Chalk Track Observer. 
His main job is to make sure there are no traffic violations. 
He did a good job.

Little Miss, the Chalk Organizer.
Her main job was to make sure each piece was stored neatly in the box.
She did a good job.


  1. Love this! I think both of my boys will be getting a track today! Thanks for sharing!
