Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life Gets In the Way

Back in December I decided that I was going to run a half marathon in May.  I needed something to challenge myself.  To push me beyond my comfort zone.  At the beginning, I was really shocked with what my body was able to do in the early stages of training.  I just knew that I would get in all the mileage by March and then maintain the mileage until the race date. 

Well, life got in the way.  Between moving and a horrendous winter, my training has gone from a steady pace to almost non-existent.  I'm only up to 6 miles (I need to be around 10).  I'm really going to push myself this month to see how far I can stretch myself.  However, I'm beginning to realize that a half-marathon might not happen for me in May.  If not in May, it will happen this year.  It is a goal, and I'm not one to let goals just slip away...

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