Friday, April 9, 2010

Beyond the Classroom Walls

Reading, Writing, Grammar (well, maybe not grammar), Social Studies, Math, and Science.  I loved teaching them all.  Each one had an area that would spark interests in kids if taught well.  However, there is one subject I enjoyed teaching above the rest.  Character.

Character is not something that is really focused on in most classrooms or homes, but judging by our society it is a crucial element in how we relate to others.  My motto for teaching was to have students walk out of my classroom better kids...mentally, emotionally, and socially.  Sure teaching kids content is super important, but that will only take them so far in life.  Getting along with others, and having compassion will get a person a lot further than knowledge.

A couple of years ago, I had the privilege of teaching a group of students who really grasped the character skills.  It was probably the most challenging year teaching the content areas.  I had 5 kids who were on a Kindergarten reading level, and another 5 kids who were reading at a 7th grade or above level.  Like I said, challenging!  However this group of kids looked to serve others before serving themselves.  These kids were amazing.  Absolutely amazing!  You can read their story here.  It is one that makes my heart sore.  I'm so very proud of this group of kids.  Even though they have hit the hormonal sixth grade year, I still hear stories of how each one excels in this or that area.  Hearing about their successes makes me feel like a proud mama!

UPDATE!  Not only did these kids raise all the school supplies needed for every child at the school, but they also brought items for the teachers and raised $500 to ship 10 boxes to Africa. 

1 comment:

  1. That is so good to hear! Any more you just hear the bad. What a fresh breath of air.
