Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

As a Christian family, we have always enjoyed Easter, but this year it was amazing!  If you didn't get a chance to go to my church, then I'm really sorry!  It was great! Over 17,000 people attended the 5 services.  Lots made decisions to let Christ lead their life, instead of worrying about how to steer their own (I'm telling you people, it makes life much, much easier, when you've got someone working for you).  Even more made the decision to be baptized right there in the service.  I was one emotional wreck.  Seeing all those people, and knowing how their life is about to change gets me everytime.  Everytime.  Getting emotional now...

After church, we headed to our temporary home, and co-hosted Easter Lunch with my father-in-law.  We had a blast, coloring eggs, eating, and enjoying family.  Lots of family. Crazy family.  I mean real crazy family.  I think our house was the only house that hosted Puerto Ricans, Swedes, Caucasions, a Native American, Sorta Ricans, and a Cowboy. 

Here's our Easter Pics...

First up, A Rican.  My Bro in Law to be exact. 
He sure looks like one bad dude. 
I call this his 'I have to work Mid-nights tonight so quit messing with me pic'.
Coloring those eggs.
Really though, they're just playing in the colors.
Hope everyone enjoyed Easter as much as we did!


  1. the kids outfits are sooo cute! i know what you mean about being an emotional wreck at church. had i known i needed to bring an entire box of kleenex, i would have:) so amazing!

  2. Looks like you all had so much fun. Blair has that same dress (purple and white). And I am glad to know I was not the only one crying at church. =)

    Glad we got to see each other, maybe next time won't be quite so busy.
