Thursday, March 11, 2010

Great Deals

I normally don't post the deals I get on a weekly basis, but this week I have time and Target had some great deals. All of the items below I got for $20.27. Without using coupons and the free gift card from Target, I would have spent $40.47. A savings of 50%!

Here's how I got the deals...

Transaction #1
1 Clever Kids Fruit Snacks $2.19
Used $1.50 coupon from Vocalpoint (sign up and they will start to mail you some high value coupons)

4 Johnson & Johnson Buddy Bars* $.97/each
Used two printable coupons here
and two printable coupons here
(coupons are $1 off a Johnson & Johnson product)

5 Kellogg's Fruit Crisps Bars $2.50/each (on sale)
Used $1 coupon from Redplum mailer
Used 4 $1 coupons offered on Targets website
Got $5 gc (used on next transaction)

Total after coupons: $10.39

Transaction #2

Buy 2 Huggies diapers $8.99 each (sale)
Use Target printable coupon (sorry no longer offered on their website)
Use a Huggies manufacturer mailer coupon for $3/2 ($3 off/2 packages)
Used $5 gc from previous transaction

Total after coupons & gc: $9.88

Couponing takes some planning, but it is well worth it! The diapers alone would have cost over $20.

*Even if you don't use the Johnson & Johnson Buddy Bars (found on the baby soap/shampoo aisle), they are completely free. You could easily donate these to your local Neighbors in Need Program. That's why couponing is so awesome. Not only do you get to keep your hard earned money (or in my case, my husband's), but you can also be more giving!


  1. Great job and fruit crisps are THE BEST!!!

  2. Great deals! I'm a big-time stockpiler/couponer - such a thrill when you see the register total going down, down, down - nice job!
