Monday, March 15, 2010

It's Our Anniversary!

Steven and I had known of each other ever since we were in 7th grade, but didn't speak to each other until we were Seniors in high school. One afternoon, after our school's pep assembly I walked out to my car to find Steven and his brother leaning on their truck. The parking lot was pretty empty because school had let out quite a while ago. I stayed late for a French Club meeting (don't judge me) and wondered why they were still there. After asking if they were okay, Steven replied that he locked the keys in their truck. Then he went on to make sure I knew he was the 'Single Twin'. Seriously, I'm not making this up! Anyway, his brother said his girlfriend was on her way to pick them up, so I left completely perplexed as to why he would say that. Maybe he wanted me to introduce him to one of my friends?
Later that night, I got on the bus for cheerleading to head out to the football game at a nearby town. Steven, a football player, kept looking over at me on the sidelines. I was really perplexed then. So after over-analyzing and trying to find 101 excuses as to why he would look my direction, I chalked it up to I had a huge booger or something. Why else would this prime piece of meat be looking at me? Well, turns out he was interested. He asked me out on a date. I accepted. I'm not stupid!
I knew from our first date that I would marry him. Just the way he talked about his family, and how much he cared for his then step-sister, I knew he was a rarity that I would NOT let go. We spent 4 1/2 years apart in college and never doubted that we would eventually be together. He really makes the 'me' in me come out, and I hope I do the same for him. I am so thankful that everyday he still wakes up and chooses to love me, and I him. He is a phenomenal work of a man. Happy 7th Anniversary, Steven! I love you!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Congratulations on 7 years of marriage!! I wish you continued happiness!!

  2. You crack me up!!! I love it! Happy Happy Anniversary! And wishing you many more happy years!
