Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Soap Box Time

"Hello. Soap Box. Are you there?"

"Yes. I'm right here."

"Could you come out of that closet so I can use you."

(sigh) "I guess. How long are you going to be this time?"

"Just get out here!!!"

Okay, here I go...

I like to eat yummy food. I work out hard. I like to eat yummy food. In fact, I just downed nine Oreos and a glass of milk. Like I said, I like to eat yummy stuff. In fact, my main purpose in working out is so I can eat what I want, when I want. Sometimes the yummy food I cook is healthy. Some of it full of artery clogging fat. But as previously stated, I like to eat. So if you are looking for recipes that are 100% healthy, you are in the wrong place!

You may be wondering why I need a soap box right now. Let me share a little story with you...

I'm out and about (location to remain a secret), and so-and-so (again keeping this anonymous) stops to say hi. They proceed to tell me they enjoy looking at my blog. Great! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing that with me. Sounds sweet, right? Well, there's a little more. This person goes on to share that they would love it even more if it had more health conscience recipes on here. (Insert choking on my coffee here). Say what? Repeaten en Espanol. Como vous? I went on to explain that I just share what my family eats, and if it helps you know what to make for dinner and gets your family to sit down together, then that's wonderful. If it's not your cup-o-tea, then there are phenomenal blogs/websites all over this wonderful thing called the world wide web.

Moral to my soap box don't need to stop me in public to make requests. This is my family. I'll serve what I like. Thank you very much.

"Okay, soap box. You can go back to the closet now."

"Thank you. That was a mindless rant."

"Soap booooxxx! Don't you use that tone of voice with me!"


Ugh! Soap boxes can be soooo touchy sometimes!

Happy 'fatty' Cooking!


  1. Stalker Angela here! Just tell that person to check out if they want healthy, 100% organic.

  2. You know I am not really a stalker, right? This is Jackie's sister:)

  3. Angela, you're funny!

    I'll tell them. That's if I still have that same friend after they read this. All kidding aside, she knows I'm posting this.

  4. I always look at my blog as my little piece of the www and post what makes me happy. Keep on keeeping on girl!

  5. you're awesome....and you make me want to figure out the time for couponing...
