Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good Girl Gone Glad

So a fellow blogger Good Girl Gone Glad (, sent me a blog award and there are some rules that go along with it...

  • Recognize who sent the award and add a link to their page (check out Jesse's if you like to look at all things beautiful while listening to soothing and calming music)
  • Tell 10 things about yourself.
  • Award 7 new fellow bloggers.
  • Seems like there was something else, but I already forgot and I don't want to toggle between two screens.

So here goes nothing...

All Things Amanda

  1. This is my first year to be a stay at home mom. I find it much easier than being a working mom.
  2. I was a fourth grade teacher for 7 years, and never saw myself doing anything but that until the day I retire.
  3. My passion in life is God, my family, and my church.
  4. I have entered the world of couponing and I am addicted. I have always been a pretty frugal shopper, but this has really sent me over the edge!
  5. I love to cook, and enjoy meal planning for my family.
  6. I would really like to someday to start a business of cooking for other families. Kind of like having homecooked meals, take-out style. Weird, I know.
  7. I find it much easier to deal with children than to deal with adults. They don't play mind games often, and when they do it's pretty easy to figure them out.
  8. I depise clutter.
  9. My husband is an identical twin so I sometimes feel like I have 2 husbands.
  10. My dream home would be one of those houses out by Woodward Park...1950's style with a total remodel on the inside. But until God decides to dump a couple million dollars on my lap, it will remain a dream home.

Blogs I would like to award are...

  • Perryman Adoption
  • Growing with the Gambills
  • What's New with the Kueny's

I know it's supposed to be 7 people, but I'm tired and going to bed!


  1. Yeah!
    Doing some posts today/tomorrow for some exciting things we have going on.
    I look forward to working on this!
    Love you all,
    Maybe mommy cooking classes too with take home ideas? Hire a sitter, let the kids play while the mom's get ideas?? I'd attend!

    Oh the two husband thing made me laugh out loud. I can SO see that.

  2. Hey girl, I love new recipes. I am always getting stuck in a rut. I enjoyed your post!

  3. You SO need to do something with the cooking thing! When I was working I always bought through our Homemade Gourmet lady not b/c I liked Homemade Gourmet, but b/c I could buy almost 2 weeks worth of food at a set price, dropped my cooler off at her house and picked it up. I did that once a month. WHEW loved it!!!

  4. So, that was the push I needed to get my lazy fingers back to blogging-thanks for shout out! Love your blog too and your sweet kiddos.
