Monday, October 19, 2009

Party Time!

It's seems too fast to have already celebrated Addie first birthday with a party, but the time came and it went (sob, sob). We had a great time with all of our family at the party. She was spoiled with WAY too many clothes. Seriously, the girl could wear one outfit everyday for the entire Fall season and never repeat an outfit! Her Papi also found some killer girl toys for her...her first purse and her first tea set. Which this is all too perfect because he bought her the very first baby doll too. Below are some pics from her party...

Addie is generally a sweet, sweet girl, but she will let you know if she's not happy. Brother was trying to take her balloon, so she HAD to let him know it wasn't okay.

I love these people!

Lincoln and Kate trying to get in on the cake action.

Present Time...

Daddy pouring his little lady her first cup of tea.

Showing Addie how to check her hair do with the new mirror from her purse...
Helping her with the lipstick...
Do you think Daddy is a little smitten by her?

We went for Addie's 1 year check-up and surprise surprise, she's still tiny! Only weighing in at a whopping 16 lbs 7 oz (less than the 3rd percentile for weight). She average for her height at 29 inches. Long and skinny...yep, sounds like my kids!


  1. Love daddy daughter relationship. It is so sweet! My girlie was/is little like that, and my doctors office kind of gave me heck. Glad she had a fun party.

  2. Happy Birthday Addie! I can't believe a year has already passed. She's adorable. I bet her imagination is already at work with all her new toys.

  3. I cannot believe it has been a year, time flies so quickly. Enjoy her while she's little and cuddly and yes, please make sure she does not repeat our teen adventures.

  4. Bopha, we have already been praying for her teen years. Especially because of the mother she has...bad, bad teenage years!

  5. Happy Birthday to Tiny Addie! :D You and your family are beautiful!
