Thursday, October 15, 2009

Addison Elisabeth is ONE!

Well, I dropped the camera and broke it this week, so this is the most up to date photo of my one year old. A little ironic that on her one year post picture she's sleeping. For her first year of life she has spent very little time sleeping. This girl loves to be with her or night! Even right now she is crawling in and out of my legs as I type.

Her first year has brought so many memories and blessed me beyond measure. I never new what a special bond you could have with a daughter so early on. I'm told she is a mini-me, and I guess that's all right as long as she makes some better choices during her teenage years!

So for Addie's one year here are some things about her...
  • She gets into everything, and if she can't reach it she'll climb to get it.
  • She isn't walking yet, but sure has the crawling down...and the climbing!
  • She thinks she is just as big as her brother and will do anything he does.
  • She's a cuddler. Major cuddler. After her naps, she likes to lay down with you for about 10 minutes before she's off to play.
  • She loves taking things out of boxes or purses only to put them right back in.
  • She likes to clean (Lord, please let this continue!). If you give her a rag she'll start wiping stuff down.
  • Her favorite word is "no", and let me tell you it is VERY clear.
  • She has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger.
  • She has her Mommy wrapped around her little finger.
  • She is LOVED by so many.

Happy Birthday Little Mama!

We LOVE you!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how quick they wrap us isn't it?! Happy Birthday baby girl!
