Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is a Stick-up!

These past few weeks have been B-U-S-Y! Not only have I had my two monkeys, but add another 7 month old and a two year old into the mix and you've got sheer craziness. While I was busy changing the babies diapers, I found Mase and his friend playing guns with...
...not something Steven was too stoked about, but I found it down right hilarious! After he was done shooting his buddy, Logan, he proceeded to show him what you really do with them (If you're not sure what's in the above picture just move on...not explaining).


Since Linc's mommy is still away on training, he's stayed the night with a us a few nights. It still amazes me to see their size differences. Addie is two weeks older, yet Linc is SOOOO much larger. Here they are enjoying their first bath together. Can't wait to bust this picture out during the dating years!

Addie must have been tired of the outward exploring because she is now exploring the world of up...
This girl cannot be contained. She learns things so fast! I'm really hoping she stays on all four a little while longer. I am not ready for her to be walking.


  1. That is hilarious!! "The Gun" LOL

  2. That is so funny, Lincoln always wants to try and "make milk" himself and can't understand why his don't do that.

  3. Love it! My boys have never tried that..which is surprising. Kudos to Mason on his creativity!

  4. That is so funny!!! He is very creative! I also love the post below on how many bags you were having to take everywhere! Sometimes you feel like a bag lady. It will be so nice to stay home with them now... hope you enjoy!
