Monday, June 1, 2009


Luggage. One word to describe my trek to work every morning. Steven thought it would be suiting to capture what I drag to school every day...teacher bag, lunch sack, and breastpump. But, that's not it! Add an infant carseat, backpack, and a two year old. That would be me scurrying out the door on most mornings. Yep, luggage. Lots and lots of luggage.

Well, those days are gone. I have now entered the realm of a stay at home mom. Full-time. Not just summers or breaks, but all day every day until the kids are in school. It's something I've always had in the back of my mind since Mason was born, but finally took the leap of faith to do it. I did have a little breakdown at school once everything was taken down, boxed up, and moved out. That's been my life for 7 years. In a way, a huge part of my identity. I took pride in being a teacher. Changing the world one kid at a time. Making an impact. Giving hope and a future. But, my time has come to move on to my own children. I'm excited for this next chapter of my life. I can't wait for the art projects, the library, the pajama days in winter, swimsuits all day in the summer...I'm ready for it all!

My sweet Addie enjoying first real summer day!
Mason washing his trike. After the rinse off, he then got the shammy to dry it. I think he's got the cleanest trike on the block. Now if we could only get him some 20's...

A little update on Mason. It's no secret I've wanted Mason potty trained for quite a while. He was doing okay with sporatic peepees in the potty. However, that's not cutting it for me. So, we went straight to undies. No more diapers. Except for naptime (I'm not that crazy). I thought it would be a disaster today, but he surprised me by keeping his undies dry all day. I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be tossing some undies if the poo-poos get in there. I am NOT, repeat NOT, going to scrape dung out of undies. To the trash they will go!
Not too much on Addie except she is crawling...everywhere. If she wants you she will cry and crawl until she finds you. She's a persistent little booger.


  1. I hear what you are saying about the luggage and I haven't even made it back to work yet. I am so happy for you and your decision to stay home. I didn't think I would be able to handle 2, but so far I have survived 2 days with only a few fits. I hope you are enjoying your summer!

  2. My youngest starts kindergarten in the fall. It is the strangest feeling that I will not have a kid home during the day. I don't regret being home with them at all. They are wonderful- outgoing little people. You made the right leap!

  3. Wow! So I'm not the only one w/ such "luggage"?! So glad to hear! : )
    Congrats on the new journey you're embarking on as well! I know you will just LOVE being home w/ them, and the Lord will certainly bless you for it. Enjoy it all!

  4. Congrats on taking the leap of faith to be a stay at home mom! I think that is awesome! Being a mom is such a wonderful 'job' if you can really call it that! I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one with luggage everywhere I bag, lunch bag, pump parts (the good thing about working in a hospital is hospital-grade pumps at my disposal, so no lugging the pump with me), diaper bag, etc.! It's everything but the kitchen sink..haha! I hope you thoroughly enjoy staying at home with your beautiful kiddos!
