Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Both of the kids got to investigate new things. After dinner, I gave Addie some finger foods. She picks them up easily, but has yet to land one in her mouth. Which is ironic because babies put everything in their mouths...
Mason also took advantage of some 'free time' while I was cooking dinner. He found his way into my purse. When I realized the eerie sound of silence I went looking. I found this...
Kids make life interesting!


  1. The sound of silence is always scary. They are so cute and I love Addie's hair.

  2. Curly hair like Mason...she is so cute...Lindsey said you all are doing some family pics...share!

  3. Ashley, we are doing are pictures tomorrow! Very excited! I will definitely share. I'm sure they will be outstanding. However, I doubt they will compare to your expertise!
