Tuesday, June 30, 2009


One thing that is the absolute best about summer is swimming. There is nothing like spending a hot, sweaty day in a pool. It's been a lot of fun to see all the stages that Mason has gone through over the years with the water. When he was 6 months old, we took him to a baby swim class and to the pool all the time. Last year, we didn't do swim classes but, we hit the pool. So this year he asks to go "swiiiiimming" all the time (he drags out the 'i' sound)! This year he got brave enough to attempt the diving board. He did well. You can see how unsure he is at first, but after about the 10th time, he had it down.

I love his fingers in this next pic.
He was really reaching just in case Daddy was going to let him slip through.Just relaxing...
Addie also enjoys swimming, but gets very tuckered out.
She's taking a little snooze on her Papi's (Steven's dad) shoulder.
It's his only granddaughter and he soaked up every minute of it!!!

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