Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Different Cousin to Play With!

It was a sad day when my brother transferred to KC. We were all so used to seeing my niece, Jasmine at least 3-4 times a month. She used to stay the night with us frequently, and I miss those times with her. Steven, Mason, and I hadn't seen her in a year and Addie had never met her only girl cousin so we were very excited that she was coming to stay for a month! We have done a lot of fun stuff with J, including a visit to Grove to visit my dad and his wife. I forgot the camera so I'm awaiting pics from my dad so I can post some from the lake (yep Dad, go to Wal-mart and put those pics on a disk!).

The first night she was here my mom cooked dinner and the kids played. Mase and J quickly found the sand pile out back. Hot summer evening + sand + sweaty kids=sand in every crevice...

So naturally we stripped them down and let them run through the sprinklers.
Note: Mase's undies are rolled at the top. Poor kid is skinny. Once those things got wet, they were sagging to his knees so we rolled them up at least 4x's.
Now for a little on Addison. She has been introduced to Cheerios. There goes the diet. Lil' Miss Independent is all about feeding herself and wants her own plate!

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