Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Road Trip with a Few Bumps in the Road

Well, we did it. We took our first LONG road trip as a family. I have to say it went pretty well with the exception of a lost wallet, two sick whiney kids, and a 3 hour trip to the ER. However, we got to see family and that was worth it all! First off below is the reason we went to Illinois...

Is she not BEAUTIFUL! That's Kiera, Steven's cousin. She celebrated her 15th birthday Mexican style. I have to say it was fancier than our wedding. Steven's aunt Sandra sure knows how to plan an event.

We had a great time at the quinceanera despite Mason coming down with a high fever while at the ceremony and reception. He was such a trooper while we were partying. The next few pics are from the quinceanera...

Addie with her Aunt Damaris

Stephanie, Krystal, Addie, and Matthew

(The major reason I married Steven was because I saw that the Torres Family has cute kids. So to ensure my kids would be beautiful...I arranged our marriage ;)

Hard to believe that Mason had a 103.3 temp.

Lincoln hanging with his Aunt Sandra. I do have to say my nephew looked ballin'.

Addie in the baby doll stroller. She thought it was the funniest thing.

Now the last few pics are our ride home. After the ordeal with Steven's wallet (we think he accidently chunked it in a Subway trash can), the trip to the ER with Mase (he had a bad ear infection), and Addie's weird fever that broke in a day, we loaded the kids up and made the trek home. I have to say the kids were Super Troopers. Mason cracked us up the whole way, and Addie mostly slept. The times she wasn't sleeping she excercised her lungs...very well I might add!

A special thanks to Sylvia and BeBe who took us to the ER and stayed the entire 3 hours to wait for us. Even though the trip had a few bumps in the road we will always cherish the time with family. We love you all!


  1. That crying picture is so sad...very cute, but sad too. Though I really think it is more sad in regards to what the parents were listening too.

  2. HI,
    Road trips are hard but so worth it. We seem to have to or choose to take road trips often because all our family is out of town.
    I am sure you saw my screaming carseat pic of Nehemiah.
    Yeah, 4+ hours of screaming makes a parent lose their mind!
    You all are so cute and have such a beautiful family!
    I am so glad for blogland and getting to see families grow!

  3. A road trip that you definately will never forget. Might make you reconsider next time???
