Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby Dedication, Green Beans, and Car Seats

Addie and Lincoln were dedicated at church Sunday night. It was really special to have both the kids dedicated together. Below is all of us after the service. Getting all seven of us to look at the camera is virtually impossible, so this is what you get...

Addie tried green beans for the first time a couple of weeks ago. As you can see, she didn't enjoy them too much. However, the gag reflux went away after the third day. She's now mastered peas, carrots, and squash. She'll get to start the tastier fruits in another week or so.

Today I was trying to get out the door for work (hooray for only 16 more days of rushing out the door) when I found the kids like this. I have no idea how Mason even got in the car seat. Getting him out was a feat in itself. I call this the 'Hey! Get out of my car seat!' picture.

I tell you what...I CANNOT wait to be with my little comedian and his fiesty sister!


  1. Mason looks like he is really enjoying sitting in her car seat and you are right it looks like she is telling him to get out of it! :)

  2. I'm imagining the same is a/b to happen w/ Kennedy sitting in "Baby Bubba's" car seat as well (once he decides to arrive). Funny how we can just "expect" certain things from them! I'm sure Lil' Miss loved the fruits once she got to try them!
