Thursday, April 23, 2009

Teeny Weeny

Addie turned 6 months last week, and thus we had her 6 month check-up. She is doing great and growing well. BUT, she is tiny! She topped the scales at a whopping 13 lbs 4 0z. I was really hoping for her to weigh in around 15 lbs, but she'll probably won't get to that weight until she's 1!

You can see how tiny she is compared to her 6 month old cousin, Lincoln. We have to remind Linc not to eat her. He's one chunky monkey. I guess that's how it should be though...the boy big and the girl tiny. I definitely would not want it the other way around.

Addison completely surprised us all this week when she popped up on her hands and knees. I truly thought I would have at least 2-3 more months of a stationary baby....WRONG! She's going ot be off in no time. She can get her knees going, but she's not quite figured out how to move the arms. I give her another week before she's off... Besides popping up on her hands and knees, Addie has also taken a liking to yoga. She has mastered the 'plank' and 'down-dog' quite well...not kidding. It's hilarious! Next week I plan on introducing 'warrior 1'...okay, that part is a joke :)

Not too much in Mason news, except he his reading, reading, reading...or should I say repeating, repeating, repeating. He has Brown Bear, Brown Bear memorized and will read (recite) the book cover to cover without a mistake. He also reads Diary of a Worm which he will only repeat the same few phrases over from that particular book. If you have a toddler boy, I strongly suggest Diary of a's really cute!


  1. Thanks for the book reference. We are having a 'Read To Me' birthday party for the kids tomorrow and we are always up for new books for the kiddos. We are in St. Louis visiting family and cannot believe we have a 3 yr. old and an almost one yr old!
    Hugs to you sweet friend,

  2. Definitely would want the little versus the girl who could eat Lincoln. We love all the Brown Bear books and we also have a master reciter, we will definitely check out the worm book.

  3. I know you don't know me well. I just wanted to say, I was glad that Rene and Steven are both doing so well. They both look and sound like the men I always knew they could be. You have such a beautiful family. If, Steven wants he can look on my facebook page and see pics of Laura and her son, Billy. He looks like he is around your son's age. He will be 3 on May 29th. They both live with us. Laura is working as a CNA at Southcrest. And is getting ready to start School to get her LPN. They look happy and that's what I really wanted for them. They are often in my thoughts and wlll always have a special place in my heart. Rebecca

  4. Those pictures of Addie & Lincoln are so great. I would love to see both of them again...maybe we'll run into you guys this week...Rooster Days on Main St.
