Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Addie finally got big enough to play in the exersaucer. She loves it, and so do I. She's contained from rolling everywhere, and super happy! Mason's enjoying it too...for the second time around. Yesterday I was vacuuming and noticed Mason wasn't 'vacuuming' behind me anymore, so I went searching. I didn't have to go far. He had climbed in the exersaucer...WITH ADDIE! They were both stuck. With a lot of jigglin', wigglin', pushin', and proddin' I got out both kids with all limbs still attached!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...that's hilarious and scary all @ the same time! Oh what I have to look fwd. to, huh?! I know Kennedy will be real interested in her old exersaucer once our lil' man arrives soon too, b/c it was always her favorite. She used it for months! Cute Easter pic! I love her hair!
